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How to Avast secure browser uninstall

How to Avast secure browser uninstall
How to Avast secure browser uninstall

Avast Secure Browser is a web browser developed by Avast that is designed to protect your online privacy and security. It includes features such as ad-blocking, anti-tracking, and anti-phishing tools, as well as a built-in VPN for added security. However, there may be situations where you need to uninstall Avast Secure Browser from your device, such as if you no longer use the browser or if you are experiencing issues with it. In this article, we will walk you through the steps to uninstall Avast Secure Browser from your device.

Before we dive into the steps, it is important to note that uninstalling Avast Secure Browser will remove all of your settings, bookmarks, and other data associated with the browser. If you want to save this data, make sure to back it up before proceeding.

Step 1: Open the Start menu

To begin the process of uninstalling Avast Secure Browser, open the Start menu on your device. You can do this by clicking on the Windows icon in the bottom left corner of your screen.

Step 2: Open the Control Panel

Once you have opened the Start menu, select the “Control Panel” option. This will open the Control Panel window on your device.

Step 3: Select “Uninstall a program”

Within the Control Panel window, look for the “Programs” section and select the “Uninstall a program” option. This will open a list of all the programs currently installed on your device.

Step 4: Find Avast Secure Browser

Scroll down the list of programs until you find Avast Secure Browser. You can also use the search bar located in the top right corner of the window to search for the program by name.

Step 5: Select Avast Secure Browser and click “Uninstall”

Once you have located Avast Secure Browser in the list of programs, select it and click on the “Uninstall” button. This will begin the process of uninstalling the browser from your device.

Step 6: Confirm that you want to uninstall Avast Secure Browser

After clicking on the “Uninstall” button, a pop-up window will appear asking you to confirm that you want to uninstall Avast Secure Browser. Click on the “Yes” button to proceed with the uninstallation process.

Step 7: Wait for the uninstallation process to complete

The uninstallation process may take a few minutes to complete, depending on the speed of your device and the amount of data associated with the browser. Wait for the process to complete before moving on to the next step.

Step 8: Restart your device

After the uninstallation process is complete, it is recommended that you restart your device to ensure that all changes are applied correctly. Close any open windows or programs and select the “Restart” option from the Start menu.

Step 9: Remove any remaining files or folders

In some cases, there may be remaining files or folders associated with Avast Secure Browser that were not removed during the uninstallation process. To remove these files, navigate to the following location on your device:

C:\Users<Your Username>\AppData\Local\AVAST Software

Delete any remaining files or folders associated with Avast Secure Browser.

Step 10: Clear your browser data (optional)

If you have switched to a different browser and want to remove any data associated with Avast Secure Browser, you can clear your browsing data. To do this, open your new browser and navigate to the settings or options menu. Look for the “Privacy” or “Security” section and select the option to clear your browsing data. Make sure to select “Avast Secure Browser” from the list of browsers to clear data from.



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