Home Tech Most affordable Cyprus VPS Provider Serverwala

Most affordable Cyprus VPS Provider Serverwala

Cyprus VPS
Cyprus VPS

Most affordable Cyprus VPS Provider: Serverwala.

Getting reliable Cyprus VPS hosting from an equally reliable VPS hosting provider is very important. Your VPS hosting provider plays a huge role in the smooth functioning of your VPS server. With a reliable VPS hosting provider, you would get instant solutions to your for your server-related issues. All reliable VPS providers have a 24/7 customer support system, which makes client-server management convenient. In case if a client experience any technical issue they don’t have to wait to contact the provider at a certain time. You as a client, can contact them immediately and find an instant solution.

An affordable VPS provider that doesn’t compromise the quality of their VPS service is what everyone needs. This article is about that and how Serverwala is the most affordable Cyprus VPS provider.

What is Cyprus VPS Hosting?

It provides users with an isolated hosting environment where resources, such as CPU, RAM, Bandwidth, disk space, etc are not shared with other users on the same server. It achieves it by using the technology of virtualization and divides a server into various virtual servers. Each virtual server is independent of one another, resulting in more security, reliability, and speed of the server and eventually the website.

With Cyprus VPS Hosting:

● You get a completely isolated environment for hosting your website.
● You get better speed and high uptime because your Virtual server and its resources are for your exclusive use. The activity of other parties won’t affect your website speed and performance.
● You get a more secured environment because it gives you complete control of your server and, you can operate it, make changes to it if you want to. This means you can also implement various security measures if you find the need.
● If you want to upgrade your resources to meet the new goal of your website, you can easily upgrade it without facing any lag in your website’s performance. Its easily scalable

Managed and Unmanaged Cyprus VPS Hosting

VPS Hosting Cyprus comes in two types: Managed and Unmanaged

Managed VPS Hosting

With managed VPS hosting, you do not have to worry about the management of your VPS server. If you think, you lack the technical knowledge that is required for managing a server then, you should go with managed VPS hosting. In Managed VPS hosting, your VPS provider will take care of the managing and monitoring of the server. For example, time to time updates, software installation, etc is all responsibility of the vps provider. It is also a convenient option if you have started a new business, and want to direct all your time and efforts into growing the business.

Unmanaged VPS Hosting

When it comes to unmanaged VPS hosting, the scenario is the complete opposite. You are fully responsible for the server management of your server, and your VPS provider will only be in charge of the physical server. This option is viable if you have the technical knowledge it requires to manage the server or you have a staff that can do it for you. It’s also, a good choice for businesses running for a longer period.

Serverwala Cyprus VPS Hosting beneficial features

Serverwala’s Cyprus VPS plans are available at very reasonable prices. Not just that, their VPS Hosting is highly reliable, they also offer dedicated-IP, 100 MB/S networks, SSD disk drives, 99.9% uptime. Written below are the main features serverwala offers its clients.

24/7 customer support

Serverwala is known for its customer service. The team at serverwala works 24/7 to answer clients’ queries and give quick solutions to their technical issues. They communicate through various platforms like skype, live chat, ticket systems, email, and if the client is in an emergency, they can contact them directly.

99.9% high uptime

Their Cyprus VPS hosting provides high-tech network flexibility so that the clients never have to experience any server downtime. All of the network and redundant power are supplied from secure channels.

20 TB data transfer monthly

Keeping in mind clients’ website needs and demands, all the Cyprus VPS plans come with unlimited bandwidth and 20 TB data transfer rate per month.

1 Gbps network

All of the Cyprus VPS Server comes with 20 times faster network connectivity, from secure channels. It is made sure that clients receive a network speed of 1 Gbps all the time.

DDoS protection

Their Cyprus VPS servers are safeguarded with firewalls for data protection and prevent them from DDoS attacks. The system can detect potential malware threats and provide security to the data.

Complete Root Access

The client can fully operate their Cyprus VPS server. They can install software they want, run any kind of application they find important.


Look at Serverwala’s Cyprus VPS’s highly affordable plans and you can also visit their website to know about their plans in detail.

Linux Plan

Linux Plan

Windows Plan

Windows Plan


All in all, Cyprus VPS Hosting is a very reliable hosting choice also it doesn’t cost as much as dedicated hosting but gives you similar features. With Serverwala’s Cyprus VPS you get plenty of advanced features and flexibility to customize the server according to your needs. If you are looking for an affordable VPS provider that gives reliable VPS hosting services then serverwala is the best possible choice.


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