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What is Snapchat Planets in Order

Snapchat Planets in Order
Snapchat Planets in Order


Snapchat Planets is a new feature recently launched by the popular social media platform, Snapchat. This feature allows users to explore a 3D version of our solar system and its planets using augmented reality (AR) technology. In this article, we will explore what Snapchat Planets in order is, how it works, and its significance in the world of AR.

What is Snapchat Planets In Order?

Snapchat Planets is an AR experience that allows users to explore the solar system and its planets in 3D using their smartphone cameras. The feature uses advanced AR technology to create an immersive experience that makes it seem like the planets are floating in space right in front of the user.

The feature Snapchat Planets in Order was launched in partnership. With NASA as a way to celebrate the agency’s Mars 2020 mission. The Mars 2020 mission was a historic event that saw the Perseverance rover land on Mars in search of signs of past microbial life. Snapchat Planets in order was launched to allow users to learn more about space and. The planets that make up our solar system in a fun and interactive way.

How does Snapchat Planets in order work?

The Snapchat Planets in order uses AR technology to create a 3D model. Of our solar system that users can interact with in real-time. To use the feature, users need to have the Snapchat app installed on their smartphone and access the feature through the app’s camera.

When the camera is opened, users can activate the Snapchat Planets in order feature. By selecting the planets icon on the bottom of the screen. This will launch the AR experience, and users will be able to see a 3D model of the solar system and its planets floating in space.

Users can explore the planets by moving their smartphone camera around and zooming in and out using pinch-to-zoom gestures. The Snapchat Planets in order also includes information about each planet. Such as its size, distance from the sun, and other interesting facts.

Significance of Snapchat Planets in order is the world of AR

Snapchat Planets in order is significant in the world of AR. As it demonstrates the potential of this technology to create immersive experiences that are both fun and educational. By allowing users to explore the planets in 3D, the feature provides an engaging way for users to learn more about space and the planets that make up our solar system.

The feature Snapchat Planets in order also highlights. The potential of AR technology to be used for educational purposes. As AR technology continues to develop, we can expect to see more educational AR experiences that make learning more fun and interactive.

Benefits of Snapchat Planets in order:

Stay connected with friends and family:

Snapchat planets allow users to stay connected with their friends and family members in real-time. Users can see where their friends are, which makes it easier to plan meetups and hangouts.


Snapchat planets can be used for safety purposes. Parents can track the location of their children to make sure they are safe, and users can see if their friends are in a safe location before meeting up with them.


Users have control over who they share their location with. Which means they can choose to share it with only their close friends or family members. This feature is beneficial for people who want to keep their location private from strangers or acquaintances.


Snapchat planets make it easy to coordinate plans with friends. Users can quickly see where their friends are and plan to meet up without having to text or call multiple people.

Disadvantages of Snapchat Planets in order:


Sharing your location with others can be a security risk. It is important to only share your location with people you trust, as it can be used to track your movements.


Snapchat planets in order can be used for stalking purposes. If someone has access to your Snapchat account. They can see where you are at all times, which can be dangerous.

Battery Drain:

Snapchat planets require constant location tracking, which can drain your phone’s battery quickly. If you use Snapchat planets frequently, you may need to charge your phone more often.

Inaccurate location:

Snapchat planets rely on GPS to track your location, which can sometimes be inaccurate. This can lead to confusion and miscommunication if users are not in the location they appear to be.

Planets on Snapchat

The planetary filter on Snapchat features eight planets – Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. The planets are arranged in a specific order, which represents their distance from the Sun. The order of the planets from the Sun is Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. The planetary filter on Snapchat can be accessed by swiping right or left on the camera screen until you find the planet filter.

Numbers and Meanings

Each planet on the Snapchat filter is assigned a number, and the numbers represent different meanings. The numbers assigned to the planets on the Snapchat filter are as follows:

Mercury –

This planet is assigned the number 1, which represents communication, intelligence, and adaptability.

Venus –

This planet is assigned the number 2, which represents love, beauty, and harmony.

Earth –

This planet is assigned the number 3, which represents balance, stability, and growth.

Mars –

This planet is assigned the number 4, which represents action, energy, and assertiveness.

Jupiter –

This planet is assigned the number 5, which represents expansion, growth, and abundance.

Saturn –

This planet is assigned the number 6, which represents structure, discipline, and responsibility.

Uranus –

This planet is assigned the number 7, which represents innovation, change, and individuality.

Neptune –

This planet is assigned the number 8, which represents intuition, spirituality, and creativity.

Relationship Meanings

The arrangement of the planets on the Snapchat filter also represents different relationship meanings. The relationship meanings of the planets on Snapchat are as follows:

Mercury and Venus –

This relationship represents communication and love. It signifies the ability to express your feelings and communicate your emotions effectively.

Venus and Earth –

This relationship represents balance and harmony. It signifies the importance of finding balance in your relationships and creating a harmonious environment.

Earth and Mars –

This relationship represents action and growth. It signifies the importance of taking action and growing together as a couple.

Mars and Jupiter –

This relationship represents ambition and abundance. It signifies the importance of having a shared vision and working together towards achieving your goals.

Jupiter and Saturn –

This relationship represents structure and discipline. It signifies the importance of having a structured approach and being disciplined in your approach to achieving your goals.

Saturn and Uranus –

This relationship represents change and innovation. It signifies the importance of embracing change and being open to new ideas and perspectives.

Uranus and Neptune –

This relationship represents intuition and creativity. It signifies the importance of trusting your intuition and tapping into your creative potential.


Snapchat Planets in order is a new feature that allows users to explore the solar system and its planets in 3D using AR technology. The feature was launched in partnership with NASA to celebrate the Mars 2020 mission and provides an engaging way for users to learn more about space. Snapchat Planets in order is significant in the world of AR as it demonstrates the potential of this technology to create immersive educational experiences that are both fun and informative. Snapchat planets have both benefits and disadvantages. While they can be useful for staying connected with friends and family and for safety purposes, they can also be a security risk and lead to stalking. It is important to use Snapchat planets responsibly and only share your location with people you trust. Users should also be aware of the battery drain and the possibility of inaccurate location tracking.


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